Skin Checks - 100% Bulked Billed

Skin cancer checks in Bankstown.

Bankstown Skin Cancer Clinic Services

Skin Checks

Melanoma Checks

Male & Female Doctors

Skin Cancer Treatment

Minor Procedures


Patient Education

Bulked Billing Skin Checks

Regular skin checks are crucial for early detection and treatment of skin cancer. Skin cancer is one of the most common types of cancer, and early diagnosis significantly increases the chances of successful treatment.

Advanced Health Skin Clinic is located within the Advanced Health Medical Centre - a multi-disciplinary medical centre offering a wide range of health services. Our bulk billed skin checks clinic offers melanoma checks, skin checks and skin cancer treatments. Minor surgical skin procedures are also performed in clinic.

Bankstown's most complete medical centre.

Advanced Health Skin Clinic is home to Bankstown's leading specialist skin cancer GPs. Located on the ground floor of Bankstown’s state of the art Flinders Centre, Advanced Health Skin Clinic is adjacent to the Bankstown Sports Club.

Scheduling regular skin checks are a proactive step in maintaining your skin health and catching potential issues early. By choosing Advanced Health Skin Clinic’s specialist skin cancer GPs and staying vigilant with your skin care, you can significantly reduce your risk of advanced skin cancer.

Covid-19 Update

We ask that all patients to our centre wear a face mask for the safety of all patients and staff. If you are experiencing cold & flu symptoms or are unable to attend the clinic in person, please contact the practice to reschedule your appointment.

Covid-19 Bankstown
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