Skin Cancer Checks - Bulk Billing Available
Skin Cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal skin cells in the skin, and is the leading cause of cancer in Australia, with almost 2 out of every 3 Australians being diagnosed in their lifetime.
Advanced Health Medical and Dental Centre in Bankstown is home to some of Sydney’s leading skin cancer specialists. Our services include the full range of skin checks, mole monitoring, and biopsies.
Our skin cancer checks are fully bulk billed for Medicare card holders, making them free for the whole family.
To arrange an appointment for a skin check, please phone 02 8123 0183 or book online.
Forecast UV and sun protection times
Have your skin checked annually, or urgently if you notice changes.
It is advised to see a skin doctor once a year for a full body skin check, but make an urgent appointment if you notice any of the following:
- You notice a new spot, or mole.
- An existing mole, or spot is changing colour.
- You can see uneven borders on moles.
- A mole is appearing bigger.
- The mole is itchy, or bleeding.
Melanoma Checks
Melanoma is by far the deadliest form of skin cancer, causing approximately 75% of all skin cancer fatalities.
Melanomas form red or pink patches or lumps, and can modify into an existing mole - or create a new spot.
Melanoma has a cure rate of up to 90% but the risk of dying from melanoma is directly related to the depth of the melanoma - so early detection is crucial in reducing the risk of both morbidity and mortality.
As soon as you notice changes in your skin, it is recommended to consult your doctor.
Skin Cancer Treatment
If there is any sign of skin cancer, our doctor will arrange for a biopsy to confirm the diagnosis, determine the extent of the cancer, and to arrange immediate treatment.
Treatment options include:
- Freezing
- Excision (Surgery)
- Mohs Surgery
- Cryotherapy
- Radiation
- Chemotherapy
- Photodynamic Therapy
- Biological Therapy
Book your skin check today!
Minor surgical procedures can be performed in our Bankstown clinic, please consult our GPs for more information.
Main types of skin cancer
Basal Cell Carcinoma
- Most common of all skin cancers
- Red, pale, flat or raised lesion
- May become inflamed, or bleed
If left untreated Basal Cell Carcinoma will spread, and become large sores. It is advised to get early treatment, to avoid damage to the affected skin.
Squamous Cell Carcinoma
- Second most common form of skin cancer, making up one third of all non-melanoma skin cancers
- Visible on sun exposed areas of the skin
- Small sores on the skin, that are painful to the touch
- Can cause death if left untreated
- Melanoma is the worst of the skin cancers, causing approximately 75% of all skin cancer fatalities
- The least common of the skin cancers
- Forms red or pink patches, or lumps
- Can modify an existing mole, or create a new spot
- Treatable, and should be seen by a doctor, as soon as symptoms show
Early detection is critical in saving lives, and there are many options available for doctors to treat and manage the disease.